Full Package Production Clothing Manufacturer (FPP) is the type of garment company that startup fashion brands must use. But why is that?

What is Full Package Production Clothing Manufacturer?


Full Package Production Clothing Manufacturer is a company that provides complete clothing manufacturing services; from start to finish. It provides all services necessary services to turn the clients’ designs to become finished garments; delivered to their doors!

To understand better about how a Full Package Production Clothing Manufacturer works, we need to first understand the general process of clothing manufacturing     

Clothing Manufacturing Process

Clothing manufacturing process is more than just preparing patterns, cutting fabrics, and sewing pieces of fabrics.

Product Development


Start Your Own Clothing Label

Our experience of working with start-up labels goes back all the way to 2007

Product development is a stage where data is compiled into some kind of “manual instruction” on how to produce a fashion design. This manual is known as Tech Pack, and a Complete Tech Pack consists of designs, specifications, measurement, bill of materials, work instructions, etc.

This process is time consuming, require a high degree of knowledge, and a lot of experience. Because of that, amateur clothing manufacturers often skip this process. They just immediately make samples.

In the beginning, a client might be happy with the samples made without Tech Pack. But due to the absence of some important data, the clothing manufacturer is then unable to produce the exact same replicas of the approved samples. The finished goods are different to the approved samples.


There are at least 4 common reasons why garment companies in Bali don’t use Tech Pack

Sampling Process

Once Product Development is completed, the next step would be the sampling process.

Using all the information compiled during product development, the manufacturer can proceed with making a sample of the garments that you are planning to produce in bulk. This sample will be used a prototype in the production run, as a benchmark of measurements, specifications, and quality.

Production Planning

After you approve the sample and release a Purchase Order, a Full Package Production Clothing Manufacturer will need to plan every aspect of the production run. From compiling the Bill of Materials for your order, purchasing the raw materials, scheduling the timeline and production deadlines, coordinating with suppliers and vendors, and briefing each department on the standards and metrics of the garments’ specifications.

Production Run

The actual production should run smoothly and seamlessly if all the steps above were executed properly.  It will require minimal supervision.

Finishing and Shipping

This is the last stage of the process.

Upon completion of production run, the finished garments will go through a finishing process, which consists of thread cleaning and final inspection by the quality control team prior to sending them to be packed and shipped.

The packing team will do a final count of the garments against your Purchase Order. 

What is FPP?

Understanding the whole process can help you in making decision whether you need FPP of not


Why It Works for Startup and Established Clothing Brand Alike

Both types of startup and established clothing brand can benefit from working with a Full Package Production Clothing Manufacturer.

More Time Efficient

Using a Full Package Production Clothing Manufacturer to handle production will free you to spend more time on what you are good at; creating designs and sell them.

Financially More Efficient

It is more financially efficient to use the services of Full Package Production Clothing Manufacturer because:

  • No need to hire many staff
  • No need to spend a lot of transport costs
  • No need to rent warehouse for the fabrics, trimmings, and the finished goods
  • The manufacturer could source the fabrics with cheaper price
  • etc

Risks of Not Using FPP for Start-ups

Some startups would rather not hire any Full Package Production Clothing Manufacturer because they think the company would charge higher than what cut and sew manufacturers (CMT) would.

But in reality, not hiring a Full Package Production Clothing Manufacturer means that a startup label must prepare to:

  • Prepare the patterns and the gradings
  • Conduct fabrics sourcing
  • Hire a team of QC and finishing
  • Arrange for the shipment
  • etc

Most startups don’t have the resources to do the above mentioned. They might even end up paying more than what they would’ve paid if they hire a Full Package Production Clothing Manufacturer.

FPP for Remote Clothing Manufacturing

By the time of this post’s writing, the world is still recovering from the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. The world’s economy is restarting but for variety of reasons, if you are living in Europe, finding a reliable private label clothing manufacturers Europe near you might not be easy.

Pre-pandemic era, travelling to find cheap clothing manufacturers Asia was a popular option. But travelling has become much more expensive now.

And if you care about the environment, reducing carbon footprint of your business would be something you’d want to do. So, rather than spending much time and effort for in person meetings, you can just use email, phone, or video calls for communicating with clothing manufacturers.

However, to be able to work remotely like this, you need to make sure that the company that you appointed could really handle all aspects of the production. Therefore, you need to find a Full Package Production Clothing Manufacturer. 

Example of FPP Clothing Manufacturer in Bali

Learn How To Source Fabric in Bali

There are at least 4 common results if you try to source fabric on your own in Bali. Are they good or bad?

Our company, Promoda, is an example of Full Package Production Clothing Manufacturer in Bali.

We are located in Denpasar, the capital of Bali. We have strong chain supply management with textile mills, trimming factories, shipping companies, etc, in Indonesia.

We put strong emphasis on product development stage to make sure that our clients could avoid “costly surprises” during the production and maintain the standard of quality. Despite these 5 challenges clothing manufacturers have to face, we successfully helped startup labels to become established international labels.

We are happy to offer the same dedicated work effort for you.         

Before You Contact Promoda

If you are a startup brand looking for a Full Package Production Clothing Manufacturer, we would advise that you prepare the following information prior to contacting us for faster and more effective communication.


Helpful Things to Expedite Things

  • Know who your target market is to determine your garments’ selling price. This is one of the most crucial steps in developing your brand’s DNA.
  • Your selling price will determine your budget for production cost per unit
  • Your production cost per unit will determine the specifics of the garment; options of raw materials to use, the construction of the garment, options for types of stitching to use, and so on. 
  • Your lead time – when do you want to launch your collection? Typically, you will need a minimum of 6 months from product development to launching for 15-30 styles.
  • The size chart you want to use – each brand may have their own sizing, so it’s important to decide if you want to develop your own size chart or follow an existing brand’s size chart. You can use the popular website Sizees as a reference.
  • How are you going to sell your garments? Is it on an online marketplace, your own website/social media account, your own brick and mortar store, or with retailers? This will also determine your selling price and lead time.
  • The designs of the garments. Prepare reference photos that are clear, sharp, with front, back, and side views.
  • The characteristics of the fabrics that you are interested in using. We may have more options to offer you of other fabrics with the same characteristics.
  • The quantity of each style that you are planning to manufacture. This will also determine the production cost per unit.