Reliable clothing manufacturers for small orders could be identified by these 5 common signs. Beware that number 3 on this list is debatable.

Clothing Manufacturers for Small Orders

How do I find local clothing manufacturers for small orders?

Do you know that a lot of international fashion labels started out from Bali? If they could do it, why couldn’t you?
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If you are planning to launch a new clothing brand, identifying “clothing manufacturers for small businesses near me” is very important.

But why “small orders”?

Richard Branson once said “A big business starts small” and this guy definitely knows a thing or two about starting a new business!

Starting small lowers the risk of ending up with unsold stock. Having “out of stock” announcement is better for your brand reputation than having “clearance stock discount” announcement.

This post is intended to help start-ups in finding sustainable clothing manufacturers for small businesses.

Indeed there are quite a few in Bali who claim to be the Professional clothing manufacturers for small orders. In theory, they all can do the job for you. But here are 5 things you that should review in finding Professional clothing manufacturers for small orders in Bali

1. What is MOQ Clothing Manufacturer?


To save everyone’s time, “what’s the number of minimum order?” should be the first question you ask to those claiming to be clothing manufacturers for small orders. This is because different manufacturers have different policies about how small is “small”.

An MOQ clothing manufacturer is a garment factory that accepts small quantity orders. This manufacturer is perfect for start-ups.

But how many items do you need to start a clothing line? It really depends; some clothing manufacturers for small orders in Bali are willing to accept work orders in the number of dozens. Some others even willing to accept work order just 1 pcs of garment (but in that perhaps you should instead consider to hire a dressmaker, not a clothing manufacturer).

Some other manufacturers might not even willing to accept new customer at all, because they are overloaded with work orders already.

The best you can hope in finding the right professional clothing manufacturers for small orders is that the clothing manufacturers would be willing to inspect your designs first before informing you the minimum quantity of order they can accept for your design.

2. Previous Samples

Samples of previous works are hard evidence of the manufacturers’ skill and work quality. It is normal to ask to see the previous samples from a clothing manufacturer in Bali, especially if you have made an appointment to meet at the manufacturer’s place. You can then judge yourself the skill level of the manufacturer when you inspect the samples they provide.


Pay Attention to:

  • Ask them about their sampling procedures, then compare it with the common practice of sampling procedures in garment industry
  • Do you receive the samples on time; as per the agreement? If not, then perhaps the manufacturer is not so punctual with their production schedule (you might receive your order late)
  • How is the condition of the samples? Are they clean and neat? If the manufacturer have a careless attitude towards samples that supposedly a tool to help them getting new business, then perhaps they have similar attitude towards new business.

3. Business Registration

The real professional clothing manufacturers for small orders must have their business registered according to local law and regulations. In Indonesia, such business will choose a company name of “PT” or “CV” in front of their names (take our name, CV Promoda Kreasi Ultima, as an example).

In reality, business registration does not necessarily represent the skills level of clothing manufacturers for small orders. The authorities will never check if the individuals whose names are registered on the company’s deeds actually have the skills and experience in managing any clothing manufacturer.


Registered Companies have to Follow

The efforts spent in complying to those regulations are strong indications of a proper business administration. And why spend so much effort in complying with those regulations if a business entity does not posses enough ability to carry out the jobs they are licenced to do anyway?

You can read Clothing Factory in Bali: An Easy Guide to find out more about this subject.

4. Quotations from the Clothing Manufacturers


The real professional clothing manufacturers for small orders could also be identified from the quotations that they submit. Even if your order is small, professional clothing manufacturers for small orders in Bali will likely submit a proper quotation. They are aware that even the biggest, most established brands, must start small, like what you are trying to do now.

Examine the Followings:

  • Do you receive them on time as per the agreement?
  • Is it clear and complete?
  • Is the manufacturer open for further negotiation?

Tips for reviewing quotations:

  • order a COMPLETE tech pack before you request a quotation for your order. It will help you in analysing whether the price quoted matches the quality of work you are promised to get.
  • learn beforehand about clothing manufacturing cost estimation. Just a little knowledge about this could be useful already in reviewing the quotation; whether you are getting a good deal or not

5. Communication Skills

This is not about the manufacturers’ English proficiency, even if it actually helps. Communication is more about whether or not information exchanged and understood properly in timely manner.

This is more about fulfilling your own requirement as a potential customer.


Reflect whether during the whole process of evaluating ethical manufacturers with low MOQ:

  • Which manufacturer was easy to reach out
  • Which manufacturer made you confident that you understood each other
  • Which manufacturer delivered all of their promises

If you are happy with the results of the examination of all the 5 things explained above, then perhaps you have found the Professional clothing manufacturers for small orders that you have been looking for.