If a Bali clothing factory wants to work with a high quality ethical designer like you, then it should offer you this specific service.

Bali Clothing Factory for New Designers


Looking for a clothing factory in Bali?

We have been working with start-ups and established brands since 2007. We can help you reducing costly production mistakes.

As a new designer with a degree in fashion design, you might know all the techniques used in the complete garment production steps. But in reality, no designer manufactures his or her own designs!

So, just like any other designers before you, you’d need to find a full-service clothing factory that can handle the production from start to finish. Such service in question is called “Full Package Production” (FPP).

The Bali clothing factory (or Bali bikini factory) that your are reviewing should be able to offer FPP service from the beginning.

There are at least 4 benefits that new designers like you could enjoy from doing production in Bali using FPP service:

1. Design Assistance

If you ask for it before the sampling process starts, a Bali clothing factory could give you some feedback about your designs. You could consider the feedback as a design assistance which is based on the expertise and first-hand experience of the clothing factory.

This is because a Bali clothing factory, naturally receives inquiries from designers about producing many different designs, especially if the factory has had years of experience in the business.

So, even if the designing part itself is not the factory’s expertise, their own technical expertise in production could tell them which designs are doable, and which designs are just not technically possible to be produced.

It’s rather like an architect working with a civil engineering in completing a building project. Their expertise complements each other’s, but it’s the name of the architect that people remember as the one who “built” the structure.

So just to be clear, there is no shame for a new designer in asking for some feedback from Bali clothing manufacturers. No matter what, it will be YOUR name that is being associated to the label, not the factory’s.

2. Technical Specifications

A professional clothing factory would always make tech pack before the production starts. In fact, making a COMPLETE tech pack before every production indicates the level of professionalism of a Bali Clothing Factory.

A tech pack in garment industry functions as a technical specification about how to produce the garment, so that the finished products would always be the same. It also contains details about the textiles and trims specifications, and how much they cost.

From the perspective of clothing manufacturing cost estimation, the information in the tech pack could be very useful in calculating how many clothes you could order to a Bali Clothing Factory. This is crucial in preventing the risks of ending up with too many dead stocks.

You could also use the tech pack to decide whether or not to make fit notes to enhance your designs.

Normally, a professional Bali clothing factory like PROMODA would charge you a small fee for the costs of making a tech pack. You could order a COMPLETE tech pack from PROMODA for just US$ 300.- per style (including Bills of Materials, Working Instructions, Patterns, etc).

Once the Tech Pack is completed and delivered to you, then you retain the property rights of the tech pack. If something makes you uncomfortable with the clothing factory you are currently using, you could simply switch to another Bali clothing factory to produce your design using the tech pack.

3. More Efficient Textile Sourcing

Clothing manufacturing cost estimation

Clothing manufacturing cost estimation determines your final selling price! Startup owners must read this before ordering samples.

As a designer, it is exciting to go “textile shopping” and see what’s available on the market. Sometimes you could even get design inspirations after inspecting some textiles!

However, when it comes to actually source the textiles for your order to a Bali clothing factory, doing it yourself is not always the best option.

Let’s face it that as a new designer, you are relatively an unknown personality in the industry. Textile mills don’t know you. Big textile distributors don’t know you. Perhaps even the textile retailers don’t know you either. No discount, favourable Terms of Payment, or any other special treatment for you. You’d have to pay retail price if you try to source the textile yourselves.

You’d also have to spend more effort inspecting the textile to see if there is any defect and that the measurement is correct. It requires a big space and some manpower to assist you to do that.

On the contrary, a professional Bali clothing factory like PROMODA knows how to source fabric in the most effective way. It could source the textile at better prices than retail prices.

The clothing factory also has the resources to inspect the textile properly. It reduces the risk of paying more than what you get (you don’t have to pay for the defected parts).

And if the MOQ from the textile mills is too big for you, the clothing manufacturer could keep the rest of the textile for its stock and/or offer the textile to their other customers.

4. Better Overall Cost Efficiency

FPP service might be more expensive but more cost efficient than CMT (Cut, Make, Trim) services.

FPP service includes:

• making complete tech packs
• textile sourcing
• patterns and gradings
• sampling process
• shipping process

In other words, you pay more with FPP but you have more free time to focus on what you are good at: designing and marketing. However, even if the clothing factory would make separate invoices as opposed to 1 combined invoice for each service listed above, it would still be more cost efficient because you only have to deal with 1 entity that is the clothing factory.

It’s easier to negotiate for a discount with a single clothing factory than negotiate for discount with multiple vendors who provide different services.